22 January 2015

CA meet deferred for 30 minutes

-22  Jan 2015, Kathmandu - Constituent Assembly (CA) Chairman Subas Chandra Nembang hasdeferred the CA meet for half an hour after the lawmakers of opposition alliance relentlessly chanted slogans at the assembly hall on Thursday.
The CA members of the opposition parties surrounded the rostrum and chanted
slogans after the meeting commenced.
The CA Chairman before adjourning the meeting urged the lawmakers to put their views regarding the failure of the promulgation of the constitution on Thursday.
Lawmakers of the opposition kept on chanting slogans even though CA Chair Nembang wasaddressing the meet, while the CA members of the ruling parties supported the Chairman Nembang’s address.
The UCPN (Maoist) led alliance 19 parties has been obstructing the Constituent Assembly meet since Monday midnight to prevent the process to form a Questionnaire Committee for resolving the sticky issues of constitution through the vote.

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