21 January 2015

Nepalese should engage more in civil life in Australia: Minister Scott

Nepalese Voice with Minister Scott at Parliament House in Victoria21 January 2014 
Minister for Finance and Minister for Multicultural Affair Honorable Robin David Scott has only been in his new role for a month but he is well aware of the tasks ahead. Being the Minister of Multiculturalism in one of the world’s largest multicultural state, he understands the social and economic imperatives of incorporating ethnic communities in mainstream activities, thus Honorable minister has got the ball rolling by consulting ethnic communities to prepare himself to respond to the migrant communities’ needs and vulnerabilities.

Nepalese Voice had a vis-à-vis IMG_6850with the minister.
NV: Congratulation minister for your new role. What is your knowledge of Nepalese community in Australia?
Minister Scott: I know Nepalese community is the fastest growing community. We have a large number of Nepalese in Northern suburbs like Moreland and even in my electorate of Preston. It may not be as large as other south Asian communities but it definitely is an integral part of our community spectrum. I am also prod of the fact that we as Victorians also share the intellectual tradition with Nepal.
NV: As you would be aware, Nepalese community constitute large number of International students. What are your agendas to address their needs?
Minister Scott: We are conversant with Nepalese students’ issues. Their welfare, housing and accommodation as well as to work towards mitigating social isolation for them is our top priorities. There are support available. We have allocated upto million dollars a year for those areas.
NV: There are many organisations in the community that feel disadvantaged when it comes to accessing government support. To be more specific, we have community sports clubs that play in a state level tournaments, what is your commitments towards them?
Minister Scott: We would like to know if that is the situation. We encourage all community groups to access the assistance that’s available. Please bring it to our attention and we are here to help.
NV: Finally, how would you like Nepalese community to participate in mainstream activities?
Minister Scott: I am proud of the fact that Victoria has got the best and the brightest of Nepalese migrants. I find that they have the strong commitment towards education. I would like them to engage and participate in civil life of Australia. Nepalese community should have their voice.

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