21 February 2015

Frauds targeting vulnerable Nepalese

Fraud Nepali 21 Feb 2015, Adelaide- If you are a Nepali, more importantly if you are a Nepali who emigrated to Australia with an intent to build a dignified future for you and your family, the above screenshot (please click on it for a clear view) is bound to raise your eyebrows. If it does not then something is wrong with your moral integrity, say concerned members of the Nepali diaspora.

Nepali News Adelaide has translated the Facebook advertisement for the benefit of its readers:
A friend from Sydney writes, “If you are leaving Australia permanently within a year or two from now, I have a plan which will not harm you at all but may result in huge profits for you, the plan can make NRS 1-2 million (approximately AUD 25 thousand), those interested can leave their name and number in comments.
It is surprising that such an audacious advertisement of deceit, wide open on social media, has not attracted the attention of the State Crime Command. Nepali News Adelaide understands the advertisement might have avoided detection because of the fact that it is in Nepali language.
A detailed study of the advertisement which was posted on February 5 by a popular account titled Australiama Kaam, ‘Job in Australia’ in the vernacular, has drawn mixed reactions from its followers.
Anyone who spends a little time reading the posts and comments will find that the account has otherwise been put to good use for newly-arrived students from Nepal. But it seems that from time to time, Australiama Kaam becomes a platform for frauds looking for vulnerable members of the Nepali community.
At present, the post has attracted as many as 40 likes and 39 comments. Most viewers seem drawn to the post with many actually submitting their names and numbers. A minority few expressed regret that the Facebook account published such advertisements but they were quickly silenced by supporters that are clearly in the majority.
Allen Cook was first to comment, “We Nepalese are great in theft and deceit.” The second commenter, Rajib Kharel, seems surprised by the very appearance of the post on social media and laments that such activities hurt the image of hardworking Nepali people in general. Subash Ghimire, the third to comment, warns that he would report the post to police if it is not removed from Facebook. The next goes on to say that he would have taken the offer had he discovered it in ten years’ time.
Then comes the stern warning from the administrator of the account. He gives Subash two choices – either go mum on the subject or face being blocked. The warning works. Subash’s call for righteousness gets self-censored from here on; he does not return to the comment box. Further down in the comments, Kobid Timsina delivers his verdict on accountancy, “Accountancy is all about finding loopholes in tax policy to exploit it.” He then mocks Subash’s linguistic skills with an image pasted below his comment.

Nepali parents spend a lifetime worth of money to send their children to Australia for higher education. But it is not always stories of success one hears! Photo :The Himalayan Times

Prawesh Bhattarai calls the administrator ‘shameless’ and says this should not have been posted. It is regrettable that people want to obtain credit cards from all existing banks in Australia and then fly away, says Nss Grg. The most constructive comment comes from Krishna Khatiwada who asks if it is more advisable to think ‘long term’ and about ‘sustainable businesses.
On the whole, people supporting the advertisement are in the majority compared to those opposing it.
Nepalese Sulav says he supports the advertisement because we pay so much in tax, it is only ‘fair to take something back’. Manila Shakya Gurung on the other hand is full of applause for the administrator for ‘doing good’. Jyoti Shrestha Basnet takes ‘hats off’ to the smashing replies that the administrator has employed to hit back at dissenting voices.
Another commenter asks if a person with a bad credit history would be suitable for the advertisement.
Nepali News Adelaide could not contact the administrator; the commenters were contacted but none responded.
Dilli Dhakal, a noted social worker within the Nepali community in Australia and a journalist, told Nepali News Adelaide “Any unethical practice that may harm the Nepali society must be discouraged.” He said he was not aware of the context of the Facebook post in question but warned that in a country like Australia where rule of law is above everything and everyone, any fraudulent activity is likely to affect you even after your departure from the country. “Any activity of this nature may affect your children or grandchildren even,’ he pointed out.
Another Nepali associated with the Non Resident Nepali Association, a representative body of Nepalis living across the globe, said there needs to be a code of conduct among Nepalis living in Australia. The youth, who wished to remain anonymous, said, “Because we do not abide by any code of conduct, lawyers from our own community mentioned to me few times that even businesses push themselves in ways that is not necessarily legal or morally completely right.”

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