Suffering with baldness? Research shows that the majority of women prefer a man with a full head of hair.
Unfortunately at some stage in a
mans life, he will inevitably start to lose hair. But there are many men out there who are suffering with the prospect of losing their hair much sooner than they expected due to premature hair loss and thinning.
As we all know - to most men it’s not enough to just be well dressed, but also important to have a full, stylish head of hair in order to feel attractive to women.
If you think that worrying about your hair is just vanity then you’d be mistaken. Your hair is actually one of the most important reflectors of your general well being and when you start to lose hair early it can indicate potential health issues.
A survey conducted by Harvard Medical School (The most prestigious school in the U.S.) showed that early hair loss can cause:
If you are one of the unlucky men who are suffering from premature hair loss then rest assured that there are solutions out there that can help.
Until recently, the only way to solve hair loss was with a surgical hair transplant but unfortunately this is not an easy process and can also be very expensive.
Fortunately, with the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry, a new company has launched an incredible new product that has been developed which helps to stop hair loss naturally and can also help you re-grow lost hair.
Because this is a recent discovery, the new compound is not yet found in the shampoos and conditioners of the major brands and is only currently available on the internet. Best of all, it’s a 100% natural formula which contains no dangerous chemicals and has already undergone rigorous scientific testing to prove its results. This new product is called Folliplex Max and has just been launched in Australia.

How does Folliplex Max work?

Folliplex Max is specifically designed to work with the chemistry of hair that is thinning or falling out, and includes several revolutionary ingredients that add nutrients and strengthening to your hair follicles.
The main ingredient is called Biotin which works by making your hair more thick and resistant. Biotin deficiencies are a leading cause of hair loss issues, especially in men. Biotin is vital to cell proliferation, which is why it is such a valuable tool in hair growth. When ingested, biotin reacts with cell enzymes to play a major role in producing amino acids, which are the building blocks of the proteins in your hair called keratin. As biotin improves the keratin infrastructure of your follicles, hair growth can also be accelerated.
Folliplex Max also contains panteônico acid – another ingredient which stimulates the hair follicles, leaving them healthier and stopping hair from falling out. Panteônico acid has also been proven to prevent hair turning grey.

The major benefits of Folliplex Max are as follows:

  • Stimulates the growth of new hair
  • Increases volume and revitalizes damaged hair
  • Nourishes the hair follicles and encourages growth
  • Makes the hair thicker and more resistant
Folliplex Max works for all hair types, whether you're blonde, brunette, redhead and even if you already have white hair!

Too good to be true? Let’s find out…

When many people hear about Folliplex Max for the first time they often do not believe it can produce such amazing results. So we decided to choose someone to be our "guinea pig" and test this new formula out now that it has launched here in Australia. John Smith, of Sydney was chosen to test the product himself and document his results.
John is 47 years old and despite having a relatively young physical appearance he has been losing hair since his 30th birthday.
John had already tested several other hair loss products but none of them had improved his appearance at all. Despite not having much confidence initially, he agreed to use Folliplex Max for at least one month. Let’s hear from John about his experience:

Testing Folliplex Max :

I heard through a friend that a company was launching a new formula here in Australia that could help re-grow my hair. They said they had proven research that the product worked but to be honest I didn’t believe them because I was tired of using products that were supposed to work but did nothing. Around a week later I was asked if I was interested in testing this new formula. They would send me the product for free and I would be 100% refunded if I didn’t like the results. I had pretty much given up on my baldness lately and even considered shaving all of my hair off and just forgetting about it.
I thought that I had nothing to lose so I decided to accept the proposal. A week later the company sent me the product and I started the test with no real expectations.

Folliplex Max : John’s results.

I took Folliplex Max for a total of 4 weeks - once per day each morning. When the test was finished I really could not believe the results. I no longer had hair missing on the sides of my head and the whole of the top part was covered in new hair that had re-grown! It totally took me my surprise and I didn’t ever expect so much hair to come back. I really couldn’t be any happier with the results! My girlfriend is totally in shock at the new me. I am so happy that the company chose me for this test otherwise I probably would not have tried the product out because it seemed too good to be true. I continued the treatment for another 2 months once the initial test was complete and I can see that even more hair is now growing on parts of my head that had no hair for years!

John - before and after Folliplex Max*

My recommendation: If you are suffering from problems with premature balding, thinning or hair loss then try Folliplex Max. I thought my hair loss was unsolvable but now I’ve changed my mind!
The company responsible for Folliplex Max offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.If you are not satisfied with the results you may return the product and get your money back with no questions asked.

For a limited time only, Folliplex Max is available with an exclusive launch discount. Use the special link below to earn up to 58% discount on the purchase price of Folliplex Max :